UPLB Library will now be implementing the new EDS (EBSCO Discovery Service) User Interface.

ANNOUNCEMENT: UPLB Library will now be implementing the new EDS or the EBSCO Discovery Service User Interface.

You are hereby encouraged to access and explore the new EDS platform through this link –

To learn more about the new EDS and its newly added features, please find below links:
EDS Handout
New EDS Tutorial (video and PPT)
New EDS Quick Start Guide 

Research is Layf

Research is Layf

Join us tomorrow for the third session of the UPLB LRC Research is Layf Webinar Series entitled, I LIB YOU: Making Use of UPLB Main Library Programs and Services for your Research together with our University Librarian, Dr. Mary Ann M. Ingua.

This webinar is FREE and open for all! 

To register, kindly go to this link: 

Library Amnesty Program

Library Amnesty Program


In celebration of the 100th Founding Anniversary of UP Libraries, the University Library will be having a Library Amnesty Program (OPVAA Memorandum No. 2022-50). This program will enable the UP Libraries to recall and recover overdue and unreturned library books, and reinstate the borrowing privilege of library users who have accumulated fines for materials borrowed from the library.

We welcome library users with long overdue materials. Hassle-free Library Return Chutes are available at your convenience at the Main Library and college/ unit libraries. 

For further inquiries, feel free to reach us at [email protected] and/or [email protected]


Alfresco Reading Area

University Library now offers an Alfresco Area

In light of the health and safety protocols, the University Library now offers an Alfresco Area located at the library’s side lobby.
Twenty new seats were added to the list of Online Seat Reservations under the General References Section. 📚
This shared outdoor seating area is open for study, work, meetings, and project work, as well as reading and contemplation.
Come and try learning with a visual connection to the outdoors! Key in your seat reservation details here.

Main Library Advisory – ID Validation and iLib Account Request

ID Validation and iLib Account Request

You can now validate your ID and request an iLib Account online through these links :
The Main Library can accommodate the following colleges for ID validation:
  • CAS
  • CAFS
  • GS (under CAS and CAFS program)
  • CAFS/CAS Joint Program
You will be notified through your email once your ID is validated. For other colleges not mentioned, please contact your respective college library. ☺
If you have any queries and clarifications, you may reach us via messenger or email us at [email protected] / [email protected]
Stay safe, everyone!

University Library’s New Online Seat Reservation Platform

University Library’s New Online Seat Reservation Platform

The University Library implemented a Seat Reservation System in providing the UPLB Constituents a space to work and study before coming to the Main Library.

There are eighty-nine (89) seats available for reservation in the Main Library located in the University Special Collections, Leisure Reading Area, Learning Commons, Learning Commons Hallway, General References, and Filipiniana/Serials Section. Each seat has a unique number and the library also offers limited seats with power charging in every section in support of those who will be needing an electrical outlet for their work and study.

UPLB constituents can reserve a seat online for a maximum of nine (9) hours per day. Library users may select their preferred seat, time, and date on the Reservation platform. They may even choose seats from different sections and split their time throughout the day.

Reservations can be made in advance via the Online Reservation Link under Online Services tab on the University Library Website. Once the reservation has been made by the patron, they will receive a confirmation email summarizing the details of their booking.

Patrons must comply with the University Library guidelines in using the library facilities and must show a confirmed reservation for entry. LB LAB ID, validated ID, and Vaccination Certificate is required before entering the Main Library. Access to library space is granted only to those patrons with prior bookings. Reservations are also limited to UPLB Constituents. External library visitors and walk-ins may not be allowed even if seats are available until further notice.

For special cases or events in using the library space, a written request address to the University Librarian is required for approval.

Each section of the library has an assigned staff to disinfect the area in making the visit to the Main Library as safe as possible. Library users are advised to observe health and safety protocols inside the library premises and to stay home if not feeling well and inform the library staff to cancel the reservation.

Seat reservation is available from Monday to Thursday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM, and Friday, 8:00 AM-4:00 PM. (Meichelle Ann Jenine R. Galapon).