Univ Lib conducts webinar on streaming workshop for library staff

Univ Lib conducts webinar on streaming workshop for library staff

The Promotion and Marketing Committee of the UPLB University Library organized a webinar on “Streaming Workshop: Essential Tools in Hosting Virtual Events” last August 26, 2021, via Zoom.

The webinar aims to provide helpful tools in order to develop skills in hosting virtual events. Participants have learned the different techniques in controlling the virtual events through various tools and identified tactical ways in making innovative, interactive, and engaging virtual workshops/meetings/events. In opening the program, Ms. Concepcion DL. Saul reiterated the importance of having this kind of webinar and how very timely it is since all of our services and events are held virtually.

Sharing his expertise and wisdom as a resource speaker is one of the college librarians in the Main Library, Mr. Jarien G. Galorio, who has been spearheading a number of library events as well as university-wide events as the head of the technical team.

In his talk, he discussed the essential things needed in holding virtual events such as a checklist, PowerPoint, device set-up, and other technical requirements. He also introduced the Open Broadcaster Software (OBS), free and open-source software for video recording and live streaming.

In his demonstration, he has showcased video/audio capturing and mixing in real-time. Participants were also tasked to create scenes made up of multiple sources that include images, text, window captures, and more.

Mr. Galorio also demonstrated the one pc stream up to two pc streams and how to go live in any streaming destinations during virtual events.

The streaming workshop was attended by the staff from the Main Library and Unit Libraries. (Meichelle Ann Jenine Rivas)

University Library launches knowledge digital platform

The University Library (UL) officially launched the University Knowledge Digital Repository (UKDR) on July 23. 

The UKDR, according to University Librarian Concepcion Saul, is UPLB’s new digital platform to store knowledge created by UPLB experts for online access. 

Universtiy Library launches the official institutional repository of UPLB

Universtiy Library launches the official institutional repository of UPLB

The University Library in cooperation with Elsevier launched the University Knowledge Digital Repository (UKDR) as the official institutional repository (IR) of the knowledge outputs and historical materials of the UPLB. Three series of webinars were conducted last July 21, 23, and 28, 2021 via Zoom for the library staff, students, faculty, and researchers as part of the launching.

Memorandum No. 023 Series of 2014 was issued by former Chancellor, Rex Victor O. Cruz designating the University Special Collections (USCS) Section of the Main Library as the University Knowledge Repository Center of all UPLB Publications; the Section ensures that all publications can always be accessible, retrievable, and available.

The UKDR uses a hosted platform from Elsevier’s Digital Commons (DC). Digital Commons is a hosted solution to openly publish, manage, and showcase the full spectrum of the institution’s research and scholarship. The cloud-hosted IR software also features a professional-grade publishing platform for journals, conference proceedings, open educational resources, books, campus newsletters, and magazines.  

Training for librarians and library staff in providing historical and technical backgrounds of the UKDR with the title, “Introduction to UKDR: UPLB Institutional Repository”, was conducted on the first series of the webinar. Ms. Maria Victoria R. Altiche, Head librarian of the USCS, and Mr. Aaron Doran, Consultant of BePress, Elsevier, served as resource speakers. The former talked about the history and purpose of the UKDR, while the latter discussed the different methods on how to populate contents, navigating the platform, and policies and procedures that pertain to accessing and submitting works to UKDR.

On the second series of the webinar which entitled “Managing and Accessing University Publications: an Introduction to the UPLB University Knowledge Digital Repository,” placed the discussion of the UKDR through DC that supports academic teaching and online learning using wider dissemination and increased visibility. Ms. Priyanka Chatterjee, Software Solutions Manager of Elsevier, highlighted the fundamentals of IR principles, concepts, and background that are useful to support the University’s scholarly activities. Ms. Rosa Salvacion R. Bombales, College Librarian from the USCS, showcased a walk-through on how to navigate the platform with the link https://www.ukdr.uplb.edu.ph/and how the users can perform basic digital repository skills.

The final day of the webinar was conducted again by Mr. Aaron Doran with the title, “Building Your Research Profile with UKDR.” He performed hands-on training for the participants in submitting and depositing their scholarly and creative works to UKDR. The discussion was followed by an open forum wherein the speaker addressed the questions regarding the repository, especially on Copyright Law or Intellectual Property Rights

Chancellor Jose V. Camacho, Jr. graced the opening program and expressed her commendation in the University Library’s efforts and initiatives for the UKDR as a very timely tool since the university has switched to flexible remote learning and as a milestone for the university community.

Ms. Concepcion DL. Saul, the university librarian, who formally closed the program, also expressed her gratitude for presenting to the UPLB constituents the UKDR as the new digital platform to store all UPLB generated knowledge. (Meichelle Ann Jenine Rivas)

Guide to New Normal

Guide to New Normal 

Never stop learning! Explore our collections, study areas, and online resources and discover your next new thing to borrow! Our online resources can be accessed remotely through OpenAthens via our website https://library.uplb.edu.ph  and library catalog, http://koha.uplb.edu.ph.
The library is also open from Mon-Fri (8:00 AM-8:00 PM); Sat (8:00 AM-5:00 PM).
Please take note of our new protocols. Thank you! 

Univ Library marks 2019 Nat’l Book Week

Univ Library marks 2019 Nat’l Book Week

“Inclusive. Innovative. Interconnected.” This is the 2019 theme of the 85th National Book Week (NBW), which the University Library celebrated on Nov. 4-11 through four lined-up activities. The event opened with the ribbon cutting of the exhibit at the BM Gonzalez Hall lobby, featuring the best theses of each college for AY 2018-2019. Leading the ceremony were University Librarian Concepcion DL. Saul and guest Pio Salvador Ramon Omana, country account manager of Elsevier Singapore. Immediately following was a knowledge sharing activity called Forum on Apps and Information Resources for Teaching and Research held at the Chancellors’ Hall, with participants from UPLB, Laguna State Polytechnic University-Los Baños Campus, Los Baños National High School, and Philippine High School for the Arts. Serving as forum speakers were Elsevier’s Omana and Dr. Edmund Centeno, college secretary of the College of Development and Communication.

Omana talked about “Measuring and increasing research impact” using Elsevier tools in promoting articles, getting a paper noticed, and tracking readership; while Dr. Centeno, an assistant professor in educational communication, introduced the blending of traditional classroom learning with online mode in his topic “Flipping the classroom: teaching and learning with technology.” The University Library also installed a three-day book fair at the Chancellors’ Hall on Nov. 6-8, in partnership with five book dealers, namely: MegaText, Bellview, Forefront, Fast Book, and Linar. The NBW celebration was sealed on Nov. 11 with a spoken word poetry competition that revolved around the celebration’s theme, with participating UPLB students not only from the college level, but also from UP Rural High School and the Graduate School.

Of the 11 competing participants, Ralph Adrianne Cauilan from the College of Economics and Management bagged the first prize. (Virginia P. Alcantara)

BIOTECH researchers learn ways to increase research impact

BIOTECH researchers learn ways to increase research impact

Learnings from a collaboration by the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BIOTECH) Library and the University Library is surely going to create more impact in the scientific community.

At the seminar that the two units co-organized, entitled “Measuring and increasing your research impact: a library user education and engagement program for BIOTECH researchers and staff,” the participants from the institute learned strategies to increase the citation of their scientific articles and identified the tools to measure the impact of their research.

Held on Sept. 23 at the BIOTECH Seminar Room, the learning event featured talks from Elsevier’s Pio Omana and Cristy Pineda, and UPLB Main Library’s Learning Commons Head Pius Murillo.

Omana discussed the available tools that could help promote one’s article. He presented ways to read and write well, share publication, track author profile and readership, use bibliometrics and altmetrics analysis, and join international groups for collaboration.

For her part, Pineda talked about research references in support of BIOTECH’s cross-disciplinary research.

Both speakers showcased how Elsevier’s Researcher tools and ScienceDirect incorporate innovative technologies, which help evolve information discovery for the benefit of researchers.

Murillo introduced to the participants the OpenAthens, a single sign-on solution that makes searching and downloading scientific literature and scholarly references from the University Library’s e-resources more convenient.

The University Library has recently made OpenAthens available to its users.

In his welcome remarks, Dr. Mannix S. Pedro, program leader of Biotechnology for Agriculture and Forestry Program, acknowledged the role of library access and knowledge to research.

Present during the event were Dr. Francisco B. Elegado and Dr. Jeffrey P. Tamayo, program leaders of Biotechnology for Industry, Energy, and Environment, and Technical Services Programs, respectively; Dr. Hiyasmin Rose Benzon, president of the Organization of Researchers at BIOTECH (ORB); and Concepcion DL. Saul, university librarian. (Meichelle Ann Jenine S. Rivas)

University Library holds 5th User Training for Faculty, REPS and Staff

5th User Training for Faculty, Reps and Staff

The University Library in cooperation with the College of Economics and Management Library and Emerald Publishing conducted the 5th Library User Training for Faculty, Researchers and Staff last June 30, 2018 at the UPLB Main Library. This activity aimed to help authors maximize academic impact, support career development and in aid of optimal production of research outputs.

Dr. Portia G. Lapitan, Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, welcomed more than 100 participants composed of Faculty, Researchers and Staff with gratitude saying,”I’m very happy that the University Library came up with this activity that will further improve our capacity in publication.” Mr. Carlos L. Eclevia Jr., Business Manager of the Emerald Publishing, served as Resource Speaker who imparted advices and tips on getting published with his presentation on “Developing a Publication Strategy: Guide to Getting Published.” His parting words to participants was “Read, read again and then read, read, read.” (MAJS Rivas)

Univ Library leads data privacy, e-database fora

University Library leads data privacy and e-database fora

Modern technologies have made it possible to easily access or expose anyone’s information, but those whose information are collected, stored, and processed should be informed about it.The University Library’s Research, Training, and Staff Development Committee spearheaded a forum to educate UPLB constituents on data privacy. Entitled “Data privacy & keeping data secure: basics for educators and researchers,” the knowledge sharing event was held on Mar. 26 at the Main Library in BM Gonzalez Hall.Following this forum on the same date and venue was another forum entitled “Library information and beyond.” The first forum aimed to provide awareness on the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10173). It also informed educators and researchers of their responsibilities as data controllers and processors and their rights as possible data subjects in the future.

Atty. Eleno O. Peralta, director of the Office of Student Affairs, shared his insights about the provisions and structure of the Data Privacy Act, including personal information, especially the sensitive ones, lawful processing of personal data, data protection, rights of data subject, and other issues and scenarios concerning data privacy.

Meanwhile, the second forum updated the participants on the available library databases for literature search.Dr. Benny Ang, research reference consultant of Elsevier ScienceDirect, and Mark Daniel Agnes, business development officer of Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, talked about the stepwise approach for efficient and effective literature search. The two recommended practical pieces of advice, tips, techniques, and tools that support literature-searching in electronic library databases.

Present during the fora were Dr. Portia G. Lapitan, vice chancellor for academic affairs, and University Librarian Concepcion DL. Saul. (Meichelle Ann Jenine S. Rivas)

Library Staff join workshop that meets millennials’ needs

Library Staff join workshop that meets millennials’ needs

The University Library is stepping up its efforts to know how to best serve its regular clients – the “millennials.”

 Through the workshop entitled “Meeting the needs of the millennials” onDec.13, 2018 at the BM Gonzalez Hall, the library staff learned about the current trends in serving and dealing with today’s learners. They explored the application of social media and emerging technologies that will hone their competencies.

Prof. Dan Anthony D. Dorado of the UP Diliman School of Library and Information Science led an interactive session about reinventing library services for the millennials using the participants’ mobile phones. He discussed ways in instructing students, promoting services, and configuring spaces and library programs that best suit today’s students. Meanwhile, Edwardo S. Barrera Jr., Administrative Staff, showcased the features of HP Reveal, formerly known as AURAMSA. It is an augmented reality application where real world is modified, enhanced and augmented with additional information presented in digital format. University Library’s Dr. Mary Ann M. Ingua, head of the Cataloging Section, delivered a talk about information literacy and the roles of librarians in the age of technology and social media.Present during the workshop were Dr. Portia G. Lapitan, vice chancellor for academic affairs, and Concepcion DL. Saul, university librarian.

The two recognized the importance of the activity in continuously improving library and student support services in the University. The University Library’s Research, Training, and Staff Development Committee spearheaded the learning event. (Meichelle Ann Jenine S. Rivas)