Database on Trial

Bloomsbury Digital Resources

Bloomsbury is focused on providing essential and cutting edge scholarly content in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Their contents would include primary documents, critical texts, historical archives and the latest video and audio resources, thus providing users the quality research experience.
Please find time in exploring these resources below.
Bloomsbury Fashion Video Archive
Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts
Bloomsbury Architecture Library
Learning content:
•eBooks x 1,500 titles (downloadable in PDF)
•AudioBooks x 1,400 titles (downloadable in MP3)
•Classroom x 280 titles
•MicroCertification x 400 titles
•Learning Journeys x 15 sets

DrillBit – An Anti-Plagiarism Software.
For UPLB, we are allowed to have the following:
1 Setting up of account for 25 Teachers
2 Setting up of account for 500 Students
3 Unlimited classrooms & assignments
4 Uploading your OWN content to Private Repository
Our TRIAL period will run from 05 JUNE 2021 – 31 JULY 2021.
Should you wish to access and use this platform for class use, please send us an email to [email protected]. Please take note that we will accommodate requests on a first come, first serve basis.
ebrary offers authoritative ebooks in a wide range of subject areas, along with powerful tools to help you find, use, and manage the information you need. Conduct your research on the computer, or try our mobile apps for Android and for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch!
Kindly use the Database Trial Evaluation Form to evaluate the database. Trial access is until May 15, 2014.
Gale Academic OneFile, provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources, including videos from BBC Worldwide Learning to thousands of podcasts and transcripts from CNN. It includes more than 11,000 peer-reviewed journals (more than 8,000 in full text), and major reference sets including Gale Encyclopaedia of Science and Encyclopaedia of World Biography.

IGI Global’s InfoSci-Books, InfoSci-Journals, and InfoSci-Videos Databases are now available to University of the Philippines Los Banos, and contains over 3,000 e-books, 158 e-journals and over 50 streaming video lectures in 11 different subject areas including:
- Engineering Science and Technology
- Environmental Science and Technology
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Government Science and Technology
- Educational Science and Technology
- Business and Management Information Science and Technology
- Library Information Science and Technology
- Media and Communication Science and Technology
- Medical, Healthcare, and Life Science and Technology
- Security and Forensic Science and Technology
- Social Sciences and Online Behavior
To access the platform and start searching in XML or PDF format, visit IGI Global . Download full text of relevant resource now!