Database on Trial

A-L    M-Z  

ODILO Academic is considered by many as the “Netflix for Education” as it provides digital learning contents in over 40 languages, from the best content providers in the world.

To gain access, the SIGN UP access code is “UPSYSTEM2021”. 

You may create your individual/personal account and access the free trial via web and ODILO mobile apps by following below instructions:

Step 1: Sign up to the Web platform

–       Visit ODILO

–       Select “SIGN UP” in the upper-right

–       Insert your unique institutional code: “UPSYSTEM2021

–       Complete the registration information

Step 2: Sign up to the native ODILO apps

–      Download the Android or iOS app.

–     For the Android app:

–       Select Country: Philippines.

–       Select Library: “ODILO Academic

–       Insert your User and Password.


–      For the iOS app:

–       Select Library: “ODILO Academic

–       Insert your User and Password.

All contents in this digital library can be accessed for online and offline use. However, please be advised that not all premium titles are accessible through this trial as per agreement with their respective publishers.

The Oxford Journals Collection features prestigious, highly cited, and authoritative journals published in collaboration with many of the world’s most influential scholarly and professional societies.
Access Information:

On-Campus (via Campus IP) and Remote Access (via OpenAthens)
Remote Access via OpenAthens
Access End Date: 16 August 2021
Perlego is a digital online library focusing on the delivery of academic, professional and non-fiction eBooks. It is a subscription-based service that offers users unlimited access to their texts for the duration of their subscription. They have been billed as “the Spotify for Textbooks” by the Evening Standard.
Access trial period: 01-31 August 2023 
Access: On-campus and remote access. Please get in touch with us (via email) for the remote access credentials.

The Royal Society is a Fellowship of many of the world’s most eminent scientists and is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence.

To search for journals, please go to Royal Society Journals


Access Period: 01 June 2021 to 01 August 2021


The following are the specific journal titles which are freely accessible online via on-campus (Campus IP) only.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series A

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series B        

Proceedings of the Royal Society series B 

Proceedings of the Royal Society series A 

Biology Letters

Journal of the Royal Society Interface       

Interface Focus                         

Notes & Records           

Open Biology

Royal Society Open Science

SAGE Journals

SAGE Journals is an online delivery platform that allows subscribing institutions to access individual SAGE journal titles. The platform hosts prestigious and highly cited SAGE journals and represents one of the largest lists in the social sciences as well as an extensive STM offering.

STATISTA – a statistics portal for market and consumer data.
Find statistics, consumer survey results and industry studies from over 22,500 sources on over 60,000 topics from this leading statistics database globally.
Access Information:


On-Campus (via Campus IP) and Remote Access (via OpenAthens)
Remote Access via OpenAthens
Access End Date: 30 June 2021

Visit Taylor and Francis eBooks here:

Taylor & Francis

World Dissertation Library (WDL) is already activated starting today until August 31, 2021.

Access is made available on-campus via campus IP and remotely with access credentials below:

World Dissertation Library

Please send us an email for the ID and Password at [email protected].ph