Reserve a Collab Room

The Collab Rooms are located at the E-Resources and Multimedia Services Section (Basement). The Viewing Room can accommodate a maximum of 15 persons, with Flat Screen TV for presentation use. While the Discussion Room is a small room that can accommodate a maximum of 8 persons.

1. Only enrolled students, faculty and staff of the University are allowed to use the facilities.
2. Reservation is a must through this link (online or on-site).
3. Wait for the confirmation email on the availability of the room (for online reservation).
4. Scan validated ID at the User Monitoring System upon entry.
5. IDs should be surrendered at the ERMSS Monitoring counter before entering the Room.
6. Reservation is open from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Saturday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
7. To protect everyone from any viruses, please advise the personnel to cancel/move your reservation if you feel unwell on the day of your booking.
8. Observe health and safety protocols inside the library.
9. On special cases or events, a written request is required for approval. Address to the University Librarian, Dr. Mary Ann M. Ingua at [email protected] cc’d to [email protected].
