UPLB University Library Conducts Benchmarking Activity in Baguio

UPLB University Library Conducts Benchmarking Activity in Baguio

 The University Library, spearheaded by Ms. Concepcion DL. Saul and Ms. Adelina M. Esperante, University Librarian and Head of the College of Veterinary Medicine/Institute of Animal Science Library, respectively, underwent a Library Benchmarking at the University of the Philippines Baguio (UPB) Library and Benguet State University (BSU) Library last 27-28 July 2018. This benchmarking activity aimed in improving internal efficiency, streamlining work processes, and establishing and strengthening library partnerships.

The group first visited the UPB Library and Ms. Julieta S. Dela Peña, officer-in-charge, delightedly welcomed the staff. She talked about how they modify some library rules, developed some strategies to cope up with the decreasing number of their library users due to K-12 and identified some of their best practices in the library. Over lunch, a wide-ranging discussion took place wherein the library leaders including Ms. Dela Peña, Ms. Saul, College/Section Heads of the UPLB Library, sought clarifications, discussed some ideas and shared some insights and information about their existing library services.

Next to UP Baguio Library, the group had an opportunity to visit BSU Library. Mr. Lauren P. Kipaan, Director of BSU Library and Information Services (LIS) provided an overview of the BSU showing connections between the Library and the BSU community. UPLB Library Staff were toured at the BSU LIS’ physical space. It has been acknowledged how the BSU Library refurbished their library facilities over the years, for those who have been there before.

University Library’s visits to UPB and BSU Libraries were a wonderful opportunity to share and gather information and experiences. The library benchmarking activity was also worthwhile because it gave the UPLB University Library Staff a chance to be exposed to other library set-up and see comparisons with their existing services and facilities. (MAJS Rivas and VP Alcantara)